Previous Phone Banks
NEAT volunteers have made hundreds of thousands of calls for LGBTQ+ Justice from anywhere, on any day, and at almost any time like talking to the public about conversion therapy, recruiting volunteers, advocating for LGBTQ+ protections, and getting out the vote. It's an easy and powerful experience! Check out our previous phone banks below.
2021 - National
2021 - Alabama
2021 - Montana
2020 - Georgia
2020 - Georgia
"The Yes on 3 campaign needed help managing the hundreds of people who wanted to volunteer with us every week. Because of NEAT, we were able to give them a simple, quick way to get involved and protect transgender equality. Because of NEAT, we were able to build the massive team we needed to defend protections for transgender people in the first ever statewide vote on transgender equality." |
"NEAT has been an amazing partner during the Georgia Federal Runoff Election! They lent their amazing community outreach infrastructure and shared their network of active volunteers with Georgia. We are immensely thankful for the work NEAT, and Brian Silva in particular, has done for us this year and we hope to make this a lasting partnership as we continue to build progressive power coalitions." |
2020 - Michigan
2020 - National
2020 - Michigan
2020 - National
2020 - Idaho
2020 - Virginia
“In the effort to defeat HB500/509 in Idaho, NEAT couldn't have joined the coalition at a better time. NEAT not only allowed dozens of supporters across the country to join our phone banking efforts, their system became the backbone of grassroots contact to the governor when we were no longer able to hold in person phone banks.” |
"NEAT's around-the-clock calling system allowed volunteers around the country to plug in to Equality Virginia's historic campaign to make Virginia the first state in the South to pass an LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination law. Without NEAT's technology and flexibility, we couldn't have mobilized as many supporters as we did to take action." |
2020 - National
2019 - Tennessee
2019 - South Dakota
2018 - National
2018 - Nationwide
2018 - Montana
"Fair Anchorage was a small campaign with few assets, but with NEAT we were able to capitalize on the community that came together to defeat our anti-transgender ballot proposition. Without NEAT's support and expertise in volunteer coordination and field, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish the incredible volunteer program that allowed us to win against hate." |
"Working with NEAT allowed the Yes on 3 campaign to help our coalition partners help us! From the convenience of their own office or home, coalition partners could call Massachusetts voters on our behalf and advocate for a 'Yes' vote on election day. Brian was extremely flexible and helpful during our campaign. He was more than willing to adjust his process to meet my needs. I would definitely recommend NEAT." |
2018 - Florida
2018 - Anchorage, AK
2018 - National
2017 / 2018 - Massachusetts
2017 - Texas
2017 - Nationwide
2016/17 - Jacksonville, FL
2016 - AZ, GA, OH, FL: Summer of Action
2016 - North Carolina
"NEAT was integral in our campaign to pass a Human Rights Ordinance in Jacksonville, Florida. We have a huge Florida membership and with NEAT's help we were able to engage members in Miami, Tampa, Orlando and all across Florida to virtually advocate for their queer community in Jacksonville. We were able to vastly expand our field operations thanks to NEAT!" |
"NEAT has been pivotal to SAVE's year-round organizing. It gives us the ability to rally our volunteers to the most urgent campaigns facing the country. Having a place and issues to train our volunteers on ensures that we always have a strong base of leaders that are ready to go on the ground here in Miami when it's time for us to run our own campaign." |
2016 - Massachusetts
2016 - Georgia
2016 - Tennessee
2016 - Florida
2015 - Houston, Texas*
2014 - New Mexico: Marriage*
2014 - Indiana: Marriage*
2013 - Illinois: Marriage*
2013 - New Jersey: Marriage*
2013 - Minnesota: Marriage*
2013 - Delaware: Marriage*
2013 - Rhode Island: Marriage*
2013 - Nevada: Marriage*
2013 - Illinois: Marriage*
2012 - Washington: Marriage**
2012 - Maryland: Marriage**
2012 - Maine: Marriage**
2012 - Minnesota: Marriage**
2012 - New Hampshire: Marriage***
2012 - New Jersey: Marriage***
2011 - New York: Marriage***
* While NEAT became an independent nonprofit in 2016, it began as a program of Marriage Equality USA in 2013. The program included virtual and in person phone banks, regional canvassing and virtual town halls.
** Prior to NEAT being established as a permanent named program in 2013, it was envisioned as a one-time action of Marriage Equality USA called the "20 Million More Campaign" to work on marriage equality ballot initiatives in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
*** The birth of phone banking and canvassing as a core part of NEAT grew out of the grassroots organizing efforts developed by Marriage Equality New York and deployed in 2012 to pass marriage equality in New York and related efforts in New Jersey and New Hampshire.
** Prior to NEAT being established as a permanent named program in 2013, it was envisioned as a one-time action of Marriage Equality USA called the "20 Million More Campaign" to work on marriage equality ballot initiatives in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
*** The birth of phone banking and canvassing as a core part of NEAT grew out of the grassroots organizing efforts developed by Marriage Equality New York and deployed in 2012 to pass marriage equality in New York and related efforts in New Jersey and New Hampshire.
The Home of Collaborative Action and Partnerships for LGBTQ+ Justice